"Maradjanak a szivedben azok az igék, amelyeket ma parancsolok neked. Ismételgesd azokat fiaid előtt, és beszélj azokról, akár a házadban vagy, akár úton jársz, akár lefekszel, akár fölkelsz." 5 Mózes 6:6-7

péntek, szeptember 05, 2008


A "nagy esemény" után úgy döntöttem , hogy megosztom a tapasztalataim egy nagyon kedves anyukával, akit mentoromnak is nevezhetek és rengeteg bátoritást kapok tőle és persze sokat is tanulok a családjától. Szavakba sem tudom önteni mit jelent egy ilyen család életét látni és látni megélni azokat a dolgokat amikről beszél. Lori egyébként az az anyuka, akinek az órájájára járok havonta egyszer, amit Keeper's of the Home-nak hivnak. Lorinak és a férjének 8 gyerekük van, ebből 6-ot örökbefogadtak.
Bocsánat az angol bejegyzésért, de most nagyon nincs időm leforditani...ha mégsem beszélsz angolul, és hagysz egy bejegyzést az email cimeddel...na akkor talán esetleg veszem a fáradságot és leforditom és elküldöm neked. :-)

Ime az email:

Hello sweet Gabi,
Yes, most definately my children have done something like this! :-) ALL children are foolish and sinful! And even children who are being faithfully trained will have moments like these. We just need to do what we need to do in the moment (like you did by leaving and getting to the car and home) and then realize that we need to just do the NEXT right thing, and keep training and teaching and being faithful to do what we need to do.
If my children acted out like that and screamed like that. I would have done what you did and went to the car and left. When we got home, I would have calmly, given them a spanking. We start at 3 spanks. BUT I would need to be calm so it wasn't retribution or getting back at him....but done in love with calm firmness.
Also, when things like this happen we need to go down our mental checklist of the practical:
1. Am I staying out too long and not being home in time for naptime? If so, I need to be more faithful to plan things differently so I can be home for naps and lunch etc.
2. Am I not being faithful to be home enough? If I am not home, I cannot train properly.
3. Am I home too much, and alone and not giving my child a chance to practice what he's learning by being around other children and families or out in public. (most moms don't have this problem. Most are gone from home way too much, but occasionally I meet a mom who almost never leaves her home and that is not good either. We need balance.)
4. Am I not being faithful to train each time they need it. Am I reverting to giving "chances" and not requiring FIRST time obedience at home all day long, every day?
5. Am I being faithful to train my child to hear "no" and to obey cheerfully?
6. Am I training them to be cheerful when we need to stop one thing and move on to another at home?
7. Am I making sure that nap times, bed times, and eating times are on time and being faithful to make sure not to push my child too far off schedule?
8. Am I having fun with my child? Am I smiling at him? Hugging him? Delighting in him? Playing with him? Laughing with him? Getting down on the floor and cuddling and tickling etc. with him?
Please don't feel badly. Truly we have ALL had experiences like this! Do not be discouraged! Realize that Noah is sinful and foolish. He is like every other child. He needs you and your husband to do what the Lord would have you to as parents....to first and foremost PRAY. That was awesome that you came home and spent time with the Lord! His word does encourage us to endure and to persevere in well doing...to not give up or quit! Satan wants us to quit and grow weary. But we can't! We can't quit....it only gets worse. Satan wants us to be discouraged and think that it will never change or that what we're doing that is right and good will not make a difference....he's a LIAR! Don't listen to his lies. Think on what is TRUE. Phil. 4:8
Gabi, I'm soooo proud of you! You are in the Word, you are seeking to be the mom and wife that the Lord would have you to be! Stay the course. All children do these things, but when they happen it reminds us that we need to pray more, and maybe we need to be more faithful to get home sooner so they can have their naptime. We may need to be faithful to make sure they are obeying the FIRST time they are called or instructed to do something. It just reminds us to be steadfast and to keep going in what we know is right, good and biblical.
Make sure you're getting rest at rest time, and that you're in the Word in the morning and that you're getting into bed at night so you're more rested for the day ahead. Pray and keeping being faithful! You're doing a great job! I mean that. Nayibe has shared with me how much she enjoys her time with you and Noah and how well you're doing. Hang in there! Don't let one time or one day spoil all the good you're doing in Christ! God will be faithful as you continue to look to him!
I love you!

2 megjegyzés:

Ági írta...

Ha esetleg ideköltöznétek Kaliforniába, hozd magaddal ezt a Lori anyut is.

Névtelen írta...

Amikor olvastam, az a benyomásom támadt, hogy Lori belelát a dolgainkba. Legalábbis a hibáimat elég jól ismeri. :-) Miután elolvastam, egy darabig nagyon furán éreztem magam, de ahogy kezdem megemészteni, kezd építeni. Köszi, hogy megosztottad!!!